Shiri Appleby #3

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Post by freja » Wed Jun 08, 2005 9:13 pm

Ooooooo słodkie Shiri wyszła jak .... Liz..... dziwne :lol: :shock:
Co to jest zewnętrzne IP?????????
P.S. Na moim journalu sa nowe ikonki w tym z Liz...

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Post by gosiek » Wed Jun 08, 2005 9:50 pm

na poczatku myslalam ze tam jest "meet the Fuckers" taki film :] który ogladałam i sie zastanawialam czy nie ominelam zadnej sceny ;p

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Post by misiopuchatek » Wed Jun 08, 2005 10:02 pm

To tylko moja "umowna" nazwa tej sceny w której poznajemy rodziców Abby (Abigail). Świrnięta parka :D

Freju głównie chodzi mi o HighID na eMulu ale nie chciałem tak wprost pisać ;)


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Post by Weronika Evans » Thu Jun 09, 2005 2:09 am

gosiek wrote:sliczniutkie....
na poczatku myslalam ze tam jest "meet the Fuckers" taki film :] który ogladałam i sie zastanawialam czy nie ominelam zadnej sceny ;p
Hehe też oglądałam ten film i miałam ten sam dylemat :wink:
Świetne fotki...
"I felt like Jason Behr and I had such a unique chemistry.
He just walked in and we started reading together, it was just there." - Shiri

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Post by freja » Thu Jun 09, 2005 4:11 pm

te zdjęcia są na prawde świetne, ona tam wyszła bardzo ładnie
gosiek wrote:sliczniutkie....
na poczatku myslalam ze tam jest "meet the Fuckers" taki film :] który ogladałam i sie zastanawialam czy nie ominelam zadnej sceny ;p
"Meet the Fuckers"? A nie "Meet the Fockers"? Bo mnie się wydaje że to pierwsze ma całkiem inne znaczenie niż to drugie :shock:
Misiek dobrze napisał, a ty źle przepisałaś :P Boże Fuckers... wow czy to nie zakazane na forum?:PPPPPPP <lol>

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Post by gosiek » Thu Jun 09, 2005 8:18 pm

Ale własnie mnie chodziło o "Fuckers"...hehe bo jak tak na piewszy rzut oka czytałam to tak mi wyszło, potem sie wpatryłam ;p

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Post by Lizziett » Thu Jun 09, 2005 10:36 pm

Może trochę avatarków z panną Appleby...mam nadzieję że jeszcze ich nie było.

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Post by Athaya » Mon Jun 20, 2005 7:34 pm

Zaglądnęłam tutaj z czystej ciekawości po długiej nieobecności.... Zrymowało się :lol:

Zdiątka i avki genialne :D Jak mi wena się wreszcie obudzi to mkoże coś z tego powstanie :poczekamy, zobaczymy :twisted:

Aaaa! Przypadkiem Shiri nie występowała czasem w jakimś teledysku Johna Bon Jovi :?: Bo ostatanio coś takiego oglądałam i była tam jakby główna bohaterka... Shiri, ale mogę się mylić... :roll:

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Weronika Evans
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Post by Weronika Evans » Mon Jun 20, 2005 7:46 pm

A oglądałas It's my life??Jeśli tak to się nie mylisz...wystepuje też w nowym teledysku Gavina DeGraw-"I don't want to be" a wcześniej jeszcze Sense Field-"Save Yourself".
Last edited by Weronika Evans on Mon Jun 20, 2005 8:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"I felt like Jason Behr and I had such a unique chemistry.
He just walked in and we started reading together, it was just there." - Shiri

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Post by Athaya » Mon Jun 20, 2005 7:54 pm

:shock: OK. Trafiłam! To było It's my life! No proszę jaka ja jestem spostrzegawcza :lol: Dzieki za informację:D

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Post by misiopuchatek » Wed Jun 22, 2005 5:27 pm

Lizziett te dwa pierwsze aviki są śliiczne :mrgreen:

Dla wszystkich zainteresowanych filmami naszej słodkiej Shiri link do zwiastuna Pizza My Heart - PMH

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Post by misiopuchatek » Sun Jun 26, 2005 8:57 pm

Ważna informacja dla wszystkich którzy mają HighID (zakładka Serwery) na eMule.
Koło środy zacznę udostępniać film Everything You Want.
Poniżej wklejam linki do trzech sampli z wersji którą będe udostępniał. Jeśli ktoś chciałby sprawdzić jakość filmu proszę niech sciągnie JEDEN z nich (nie wiem jaki ma limit sciągania więc chciałbym zeby też starczyło dla innych ;) ).

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I linki - kliknijcie na obrazek żeby sciągnąć sampelka.

W Klasie - 3.86MB:

Abby & Cal - 4.95MB:

Abby & Sy - 6.17MB:

Jeśli ktoś się zdecyduje proszę o PM.
Proszę też napisać czy masz HighID :)
Niestety sam posiadam LowID dlatego jest drobny problem z sharowaniem :( Ale jak znajdę kilka osób z HighID to będą mogli sciągać już wszyscy 8)

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Post by Olka » Mon Jun 27, 2005 1:00 am

Oto rozmowa z Shiri, którą =WaLkEr= zamieścił w komentarzach na stronie. Bez korekty.

kto zna dobrze Angielski i mu sie bedzie chcioało to niech przetumnaczy sa rozmowe ........*** Mode change "+m " on channel #auditorium by ChatMod
*** Mode change "+o Shiri" on channel #auditorium by Shiri
Hi everyone, thanks for joining us here. I'm Ben Trumble for SCIFI. Tonight we're pleased to welcome Roswell
actress Shiri Appleby. Hard to believe, but Shiri has been been in show business for twenty years appearing in series as
diverse as Doogie Howser MD, Xena, and Baywatch, as well as in feature films like last year's Swimfan.
On Roswell Shiri plays high school student Liz Parker who works in her father's diner, the Crashdown Cafe..
Brief word about the drill. This is a moderated chat -- please send your questions for our guest to ChatMod, as
private messages. (To send a private message, either double-click on ChatMod or type "/msg ChatMod" on the command line -
only without the quotes.)...Then hit Enter (or Return on a Mac.)
Roxy> to : To Shiri: If you could choose the people you work with on a movie, who would you pick and
I want to work with John Ritter, Kevin Kline -- he's classy
And Camaronbn Crowe as a director
to : Here 's my question for Shiri why did you cut your hair?
Time for a change!
to : watching you on Roswell was great what was your favorite episode?
The pilot
In that episode the story was so rich and it encompassed everything the show was supposed to be about
to : Ms. Appleby, did you ever read the Roswell High books before you tried out?
No. I didn't. The whole Roswell thing was new to me.
Shiri: GA
to : Who did you enjoy working with more Jason Behr or Jesse Bradford?
Both dolls
Really fun and easy to work with
to : do you like travel? would you to come in switzerland?
I'd love to go to Europe to meet fans. It would be my pleasure
to : I here you are woring on a new movie "The Skin Horse" is this true? and I was also wondering
if you would still do music videos?
I did do the movie, and I would do a video again
I'm not sure yet when the film will come out. Watch for it
to : What is your favorite memory of when you were on the show?
I think maybe meeting Majandra for the first time during a wardrobe fitting
to : Hello Shirri, first I would like to say you are great! My question is - What do you think of
the Virtual Season 4 Roswell fanfics, such as
I've never heard of them. I'll check it out
to : There's a rumor going around of a Roswell movie would you consider reprising your role as
Liz Parker Evans
I haven't heard the rumor, but if everybody else signed on I would certainly do it
to : What are some of your favorite TV shows?
I like shows that are clever and fresh
I love Curb Your Enthusiasm
Everybody love Raymond
Hi Shiri! Out of al the guys that you have worked with, who was the best kisser?
God, that's a really hard question
They are all so polite and well trained
to : Do you still keep in touch with everyone that was on Roswell?
I try to as much as possible
to : Which scene was the more difficult to turn in Roswell? I guess my final scene, which wasd a flashback
I think it was difficult because I knew it was the last scene I would ever do for the show
to : shiri, you are a wonderful actress let me just say! If you had the oppertunity to do a
tv show again in the future would you? and what kind would you like to do?
I would definitely do a show again
And I would really like to do a comedy in front of an audience
to : : What new projects are you in?
I'm look for something inspiring at the moment
to : In Swimfan,you turned a scene in the swimming pool.How was that?
I had to learn to scuba dive and I had to stay underwater for long periods of time
My eyes were closed, so it wasn't about my talent, but rather my good will
Therron> to : Hey Shiri. What are you into right now musically? If we opened your cd player what would
we find?
Nora Jones
to : Miss Appleby, thank you so much for being here with us! Will 'A Time for Dancing'
ever be released in the USA?
That's my question as well. I have no idea what's going on
to : Did you think there were similarties between your Roswell and Swimfan characters?
Oh certainly
Getting their hearts broken
to : Who are you're favorite actor and actress?
Maybe ANNETTE BENNING. Or Susan Sarandon. Mary Louise Parker
to : What are you doing when you aren't filming?
Relax, fo to the beach, work on my house. Read knot.
to : Who do you get star-struck by?
Everybody and anybody
I'm as much of a fan as anybody else
to : Do you ever attend fan conventions or benefit like the Zeke Lerner bowl a thon next
I haven't been to any conventions yet
I would consider conventions if I were invited
to : shiri just wondering if you have a website of your own like brendans
No, I don't have a website yet.
to : Are you going to the scifi premiere fan event?
I'm no familiar with it I'm afraid
to : ForShiri: If you could change anything about Roswell, what would it be?
I wish that Liz was able to be happier earlier in the series, instead of waiting for the final episode
to : Will Roswell ever be released on DVD?
I haven't heard about it, but that doesn't mean it won't happen.
Just a reminder. Were chatting with Roswell actress Shiri Appleby This is a moderated chat -- please send your
questions for our guest to ChatMod, as private messages. (To send a private message, either double-click on ChatMod or
type "/msg ChatMod" on the command line - only without the quotes.)
...Then hit Enter (or Return on a Mac.)
to : when the show ended, did you take anything from the set?
I took my waitress uniform. Seemed fitting.
to : Shiri I'm a huge Max/ Liz fan and I was wondering if you were upset by the Max/Tess baby
storyline b/c I know alot of us were?
I obviously felt for Liz. She was not happy with the situation whatsoever. It came out of left field
to : Hey Shiri, was wondering what your opinion is about these two episodes of Roswell "Leaving
Normal" & "Heart of Mine"?
Those are two of my favorites
Those episodes came together very nicely and revolved around Liz
Shiri had to take a call. She'll be back in a minute
to : Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
As an actress...Hopefully still employed
I'd love to do theater and make more films
to : are you still knitting when time permitts
I started knitting on Roswell during the first season
Now it's one of my favorite ways to spend a quiet afternoon
to : Since Roswell, have you taken an interest in science fiction?
No really. To be honest I was drawn more to the love story aspect of the series
veralyn> to : I know you have been doing acting since you were a little girl but you took a break in
high school. Was it easy getting back into it...getting roles?
I definitely had to work to get roles
But I looked at that as a plus. A mountain to climb
to : for Shiri: In Roswell and Swimfan you played sort of the goody two shoes nerd sort of
character. was it easy to relate to or did you have to stretch?
I'm not a darkl force in life, or depressed. But I'm not shallow and happy go lucky all the time either
So it wasn't the world's largest stretch
to : What kind of character will you be playing in "The Skin Horse"?
Now she was a stretch
It's a murder mystery within the porn world
Very dark
to : Shiri, Out of all the characters you have played, who was your favourite?
Well of course there's a big spot in my heart for Liz
That's really definitely my favorite
to : Do you have an opinion concerning the way the Liz character evolved. In the first season
she was smart, indepenent, a leader of the group in her own right, by season 3 she lost alot of that and became very
dependent on her relationship to Max.
I didn't have much input on that
It isn't neceassily what I would have chosen
But I could understand what the writers were after
to : What was it like filming the End of The World episode because you showed such
extreme emotion in that episode
That was a stand alone episode so we could have fun with it and do something new
I loved the story
What would you do if you couldn't be an actress?
Probably go back to school and get a law degree
Minanda> to : There were rumors that you were upset during the filming of Max to the Max and that
something Jason said helped to soothe you. Could you possibly tell us what he said to soothe you?
He was always very comforting
to : Your new film sounds like you want to really stretch your horizons from parts.(i.e.
waitresses) which I think we all look forward to BTW , Is it hard to totally reconfigure the way you think about playing
a role? Or do you let the director nudge the character in the way he/she would like it seen?
I don't think it's that difficult to take on new and different roles
It takes time and thought
But to an extent something happens when they turn the camera
The character comes out on her own
That's the magic of it
Olka> to : Would you like to play in soap opera again?
I don't know... I would never say never but...
That's grueling work
norzLOST2> to : there is this question that alot of people at about the show...Isabel and Max came out
of the Pod the same time... then how come Isabel end up being older
Wow. I have no idea. I thought they were twins? I think she just finished school earlier
to : are there any limits that you would set when choosing a particular role? such as no
nudity, no playing someone who is abusive, those are vague but yeah.
I won'ty do nudity. That's where I draw the line
to : After doing three years on a series and also doing a few films, which type of work do you
I really like both
Right now I'd rather do films because I'm not ready for the time television takes
But I enjoy both
to : After 'Alexs' death was it different on the set without Colin?
He brought an engery to the set
And it was like a part of the family had left
Just a reminder. Were chatting with Roswell actress Shiri Appleby This is a moderated chat -- please send your
questions for our guest to ChatMod, as private messages. (To send a private message, either double-click on ChatMod or
type "/msg ChatMod" on the command line - only without the quotes.)...Then hit Enter (or Return on a Mac.)
to : I had the fortunate opportunity to watch filmings in Covina .Sometimes we thought you
practiced facial expressions on the side lines. Is that perhaps what we saw...and Thanks for playing to our cameras at
the ending of Three Aiens and a Baby
I'm not practicing facial expressions
I'm just really animated in real life
to : As the show was coming to an end do you feel that there were any regrets about how it
ended or your experience on the series?
I felt the writers did a good job wrapping the show up
We all did good work
It was good experience
How much leeway did the various directors give to the actors on Roswell, did they allow you much input in how a
scene was played?
I think there was always room for discussion
But different directors had different styles so it depended on who we were working with
to : Shiri! Have you ever really disliked a role or script you have had to perform?
I try not to take projects I'm not fond of
But I've been rteally lucky in terms of projects and the people involved
to : How was William Sadler as a co-worker and director?
He's great
So much energy
And he knows what he likes
He communicates that
He's top notch
to : We know you and Majandra are close, but how did you get along with Emilie and
I wasn't as close to them
to : Shiri, who did you learn the most from on the set of Roswell?
The director David Nutter I think
How long between the pilot and the time you you started the first season?\
8 or 9 months
to : Shiri, if you were to switch actors for a character, who would you change and why?
I would have liked to play Michael'
s part
to : Do you miss being on the show?
Yes and no
It's great to have a job
But after a couple years you are ready to make changes in your lifre
to : Was there any roles that you gave up because you were doing the show that you wish
you hadn't?
Yes. But I don't think it's fair to name them
to : Awhile ago, there was a rumour that you were in negotiations to do a movie called
"Van Helsing" with Hugh Jackman. Is there any truth to that?
No truth to that one
What advice do you give to aspiring actors?
I gibve thjjem the best advice I ever heard
When you think it's over it's not.
Thanks so much for supporting me and the show
I'm so glad the show is back on the air yet again.
Good night everybody
We'll open the floor now. Thanks for you HUNDREDS of questions

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Post by misiopuchatek » Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:21 pm

Hmm nikt nie chce filmu z Shiri, i pusto w pokoiku...szkooda :(

Ja wkleję coś co udało mi się zdobyć ostatnio :D

Miłego oglądania...

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Post by Athaya » Mon Jul 11, 2005 5:33 pm

Pewnie widzieliście już to zdiątko :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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Post by Magea » Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:13 pm

eee ja napewno nie :D

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Post by onar-ek » Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:59 pm

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Post by Athaya » Mon Jul 11, 2005 11:11 pm

A w zyciu! :shock: Całkiem fajne :twisted:
Image Całkiem fajne 8)
UNDERTOW :shock:

Image <- Fajna emotka :lol:

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Post by Athaya » Wed Jul 13, 2005 6:49 pm

lalalalalala :twisted: Patrzcie co znalazłam :twisted:

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Post by _issy_ » Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:12 am

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