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Post by nowa » Sat Feb 19, 2005 2:10 pm

Oh my God, RosDeidre, is't amazing! :D Congratulations! I can't believe that after all my 'experiences' with Gravity Series and Antarian Sky I (well... me and even my friends maybe - I will surely tell them about you :wink: ) will have a chance to read your books :D It's really great, good luck with everything :D

Ciekawe jak to wyszło :roll: :wink:
Niesamowite, Deidre ma już nawet swoją stronę jako pisarka książek 8) Kiedyś wszyscy będą się nimi zachwycać, a my będziemy mieli tę satysfakcję, że już dawno znaliśmy jej dzieła :wink: I to jakie dzieła!
"Wszyscy leżymy w rynsztoku,
ale niektórzy z nas patrzą w gwiazdy."


Post by Guest » Sat Feb 19, 2005 5:02 pm

Ponieważ nie są mi znane bliżej twory tejże pisarki, chcę zwrócić się o sprostowanie do Was. Czy ona pisała też o roswelliańskich przygodach Maxa, Liz, etc? A jeśli tak, to nie miała jakiś problemów z prawami autorskimi do tych postaci czy coś w ten deseń? Jak to było?

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Post by Ela » Sat Feb 19, 2005 6:23 pm

Szanowny Gościu (BTW, czy to ten sam Gość, który odwiedził nas w czytelni ? :wink: ) Deidre oparła swoje książki na podstawie trylogii Gravity Series, którą można przeczytać tu w oryginale: (cztery z nich: "Antarian Sky", "Antarian Night" "G.S" i "Evolution", są przetłumaczone na naszej stronie).
Oczywiście przy tych opowieściach inspiracją były postacie z serialu. Tylko postacie. Fabuła plus pozostali bohaterowie są wytworem wyobraźni i talentu autorki. O jej książkach wiemy tylko tyle, że zmieniła imiona bohaterów, wprowadzi inny tytuł nad czym boleję (na oryginalny nie zgodził się wydawca), także prawa autorskie serialu na pewno nie zostały naruszone, a autorka nabyła swoje własne prawa przez stworzenie indywidualnej, oryginalnej historii...:D

Dzięki Nanuś za podanie jej strony autorkiej, warto tam zajrzeć i poczytać troszkę także o niej samej.
Last edited by Ela on Wed Feb 23, 2005 8:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.


Post by Guest » Sun Feb 20, 2005 3:11 pm

Ela zawsze kojarzyła mi się z ... Elą Zapędowską. Teraz już wiem, że Ela to nie tylko odzwierciedlenie speca od głosu w denkach od butelek, ale też... speca od odpowiadania na moje pytania :cheesy: :wink:

Dzięki, Ela.

I jeszcze coś. Przy tłumaczeniu opowiadania Rosdeidre jest multum komentów typu: o jakie to piękne, a jakie wzruszające, etc. Czy to znaczy, że jest to (niech Wam będzie ;)) bardziej wyszukana wersja melodramatycznych Harlequinów..?

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Post by ADkA » Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:24 pm

bardziej wyszukana wersja melodramatycznych Harlequinów..?
:shock: Ha, ha... na to nie wpadłam! Niezłe porównanie, ale zapewniam Ci, że Harlequiny nie mogą sobie nawet koło prozy Ros Deidre stanąć! Faktem jest , że jak dla mnie dzieła, tej pisarki (jejku! już pisarki!! :cheesy: ) są czymś niespotykanym. Jest mistrzynią w budowaniu emocji i to nie typowych och-ów i ach-ów, ale emocji ogarniających Cię zewsząd, tłoczących się w jestestwie, takich, które po skończonej lekturze, tkwią dalej w Tobie, i nie puszczają. Każde jej opowiadanie (które czytałam :wink: ) jest nie tylko o miłości, ale o przyjaźni, zaufaniu, poświęceniu. O tym, co w życiu powinno być najważniejsze!

A najlepsze w tym wszystkim jest to, że wszystko zaczęło się od jednego serialu - "Roswell"!! :cheesy: I to jest w tym zadziwiające! :mrgreen:
"Żal jest potrzebny, żałując swoich pomyłek, uczymy się na błędach. Ale na Boga, nie pozwól, by rządził twoim życiem. Zwłaszcza, że nigdy nie będziesz pewna, że zobaczysz następny wschód słońca."
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Post by Ela » Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:02 pm

Nie jestem Elą Zapędowską ani Elą od głosu butelkowych denek... :shock: :lol: , znają mnie tu z troszkę innej strony :D Częściowo na Twoje pytanie, Gościu, odpowiedziała bardzo ciepło i emocjonalnie ADkA. Ja tylko dodam, że celowo umieściłam link do strony RosDeidre z f-f, żeby bez faszerowania się postami, które czasem mogą być mylące przeczytać samemu jej opowadania. Potem komentarze będą przez nas mile widziane...


Post by Guest » Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:43 pm

Ela: Że niby moje komentarze?? Nienienienienie.

Adka: z tego sznurka wspaniałości, co to wymieniłaś, to już ogarnęły mnie zewsząd jakieś takie emocje, tłoczące się w jestestwie, które po skończenej lekturze (Twoich słów), tkwią dalej we mnie i nie puszczają... A! i jeszcze podczas czytania, nawiedziły mnie nie typowe och-y i ach-y :cheesy: Orgazm prawie :mrgreen: ;)


Czyli to typowe obyczajowe romansidło.

Nie żartuję (po przeczytaniu pierwszych trzech odcinków).

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Post by ADkA » Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:21 am

:twisted: Ot i pokusiło mnie jeszcze tu zajrzeć...

Drogi Gościu! Dobra, trzy rozdziały masz za sobą i co dalej? Będziesz czytać, czy już to skreślasz? :wink:
He, he... I zwał jak chciał... :cheesy: Orgazm? Hmm.... :cheesy: Czyli emocje są... :wink:
"Żal jest potrzebny, żałując swoich pomyłek, uczymy się na błędach. Ale na Boga, nie pozwól, by rządził twoim życiem. Zwłaszcza, że nigdy nie będziesz pewna, że zobaczysz następny wschód słońca."
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Post by RosDeidre » Sat Feb 26, 2005 3:35 am

You know, I wrote a really long post and it got sucked up by cyber demons. Sigh. :) Let me see if THIS works, and if so, I'll be back in a bit to recreate my original post...

Sad, b/c it was a very newsy, long note! But the main thing I said was THANKS.

P.S. My author site is up now, so be sure to stop by You can join my egroup there for news and updates. Back in a bit if this posts! Hugs, d

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Post by Nan » Sat Feb 26, 2005 7:42 pm

Deidre, honey, I can't wait :wink: You know that.
Yesterday I read AS again... what can I say? :lol: It was stronger than me and I just had to read about David again. Listening to your soundtrack, of course. And it was just like for the first time... almost. I finished after the midnight and my dad got mad at me, he still thinks that I should go to bed just after a sunset :wink: , but hey - it was worth. It was a lot better than "Vanilla Sky" - I belive that if it was you who had been writing it, the film would be just better.
I'm reading Ela's translation and I'm still thinking about what will be in your book... beside Marco :wink: "strong heroes and sexy yet bold heroines faced with universal stakes" well, it makes me think of Tess. It won't be her, but you know, just a little :cheesy:

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And here I try again!

Post by RosDeidre » Sat Feb 26, 2005 9:40 pm

Hi, Guys!
I had this long, long post last night--a really good newsy one--and then it blipped away. Sad. Nan, that's wonderful that after all this time, AS still speaks to you. That really humbles me, honestly. I still believe there will be something--I hope--that I can do with that one. I started a story set in Santa Fe last summer, about this kind of mystical artist (a woman) who had a rare supernatural gift. I plan to pick it back up in the future. While it's NOT AS (at all), I drew on that same kind of mystical feeling about the art and the winter landscape in the town. That sort of thing. It's called THE WAITING GAME and hopefully I'll be able to get rolling on that one as I get some headway on THIS new set of stories.

I sold this series on proposal, and as of today am close to halfway done with book one. They want different titles than the ones I proposed :( but that's okay!

As for Tess and Marco, hmm hmm hmm. I love him. I still do, and I should just say he's going to be very very sexy. So he'll have his match, mark my words. There's so much I wish I could share, but I just CANT yet. But it will be much sooner than we think!

I'm not sure when these works will sell for translation in Poland, but I will definitely use your online support here to express my readers' interest in that fact! And in meantime, I wonder if some of you can order from Amazon? That doesn't help those who have read the translation of my other stories, but it's a start. I am going to London later this month for a big publishing convention and will try to meet some of the publishers from Poland and discuss this opportunity!

Btw, I did leave the link to my site, You can also email me at Not sure how much longer I'll keep my AOL account active.

Big hugs to everyone! Are you guys still reading GRAVITY, btw? Just curious... that is sooooo long! :)

posts split

OH, and meant to say this on VANILLA SKY: that movie absolutely blew my mind. I find it so haunting, so disturbing, so lovely. I think I tried to filter the MOOD of it with that story. A lot of my readers, though, didn't like the movie very much. I think what really "got" me about it, though, was that for the entire movie I wasn't sure WHAT was going to happen. I find Hollywood so boringly predictable now. It's just rare to sit down and have someone unveil something that causes my pulse to race the whole time. That's how that movie made me feel; then, looking back through it a second time, you see all these images from pop culture, things he wove into his dream, and that fascinated me.

Well, now I really will wave bye! :) Hugs, d

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Post by Ela » Sat Feb 26, 2005 11:45 pm

Hi, Deidre!
Oh, my beloved Marco, I’m so excited about him. I’m dreaming that I have your book in my hands and I can’t wait for that moment. It is possible? I’m deeply believe it is. I belief in you Deidre. :cmok: Many people read Gravity here. I’ve translated it for over one year now and they still waiting for every part this story. This is amazing. I’m sure that many of us will order it from Amazon. But please, please, in Polish translation.

Take a look on this link we speak here about you, about yours publishing plans. We do everything what we can to bring closer yours works to Polish readers, because we want them to know you better.

I don’t like Vanilla Sky, maybe because I read Antarian Sky first, and your story absolutely blew my mind. :uklon:

Good luck! sweety, we always waiting for you here. :D
Last edited by Ela on Sun Feb 27, 2005 1:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Olka » Sun Feb 27, 2005 12:40 am

Hi De!
I'm glad you visited us. Good luck on publishing convention you mentioned! We count on you.
About Vanilla sky... It is strange that I tried to watch this movie twice in the past and never could persevere till the end. I don't know why. There are a few movies which I don't like and I can't say why. From the other hand I LOVE Antarian Sky. It was the first fan-fiction that I printed out and bound. I come back to it every month and it never stops to amaze me. You are a great writer - simple words but so true.
I really like your style and now I'm so happy because I finnaly have some free time and can start reading The Gravity Series. I was trying to do this several times but sth always disturbed me. I can't wait to meet Marco!

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Post by RosDeidre » Sun Feb 27, 2005 3:37 am

Wow, the program (or an admin) fixes split replies--very cool. This helps those of us who are at times unorganized.

Okay, the "bow down" icon made me absolutely laugh!!!! :)

I'm so glad you guys are so enthusiastic about possible Polish translations. You are really making ME excited about trying to convince editors!

About VANILLA SKY, I meet a lot of people who just didn't share my reaction. I think it may be because the movie is kind of cold. And, honestly, when I watched it again on DVD, it didn't have nearly the kind of hold it did on me in the theatre. I'm not sure how to explain that--I was pregnant at the time. Maybe my physical state put me in a spell?? :) :hand: I LIKE THIS ONE!!! I never tried "view more emoticons" on this forum.

:hand: :hand: :hand: (De could get very excited about the emoticons)
Well, love to all here!
De :D

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Post by Nan » Sun Feb 27, 2005 12:45 pm

De, you want to do something to me!!! How could you?! I should be reading my Maths notes, not your post and THE BIG NEWS!!! breath in... breath out... breath in... THE WAITING GAME!!! How could you say this? I won't be able to do anything normal now :wink: OK, it won't be AS at all, but the promise of bringing up its climat is definetly enough :lol: I don't care that there won't be David, I'll read anything of you. So - three years? Four, maybe five? What the difference, you just have to promise that you'll write it :wink: God, I told you that I won't be able do think normal now ^_^ AS was the first so long fic that I've read in English, a really long time ago, but no other fic that I read later could stand with AS.

Guess we're waiting now, but it's a very nice waiting, isn't it? We know that it would be something big. And I guess I should really write to my friend in US... just to tell her about the books which she will love!

And you're right about VS - I watched it and I just knew what would happen - not because I've read AS before, but... for me there isn't something like in AS.

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Post by Lizziett » Tue Mar 01, 2005 3:27 pm

I realized I've not been here yet.
Deidre it is amazing :P It is so nice to hear about your succes- you truly deserve it. I'm not really "Roswell" fan anymore, but your writtings reach far beyond an usual ff stuff. I've always adore your brand of storytelling, your imagination and characterization in your stories. I was a Dreamer once but I've also enjoyed your UC stories like "The Winter Solstice" or "Boys of the summer" and that really prooves something 8) I admire the strength and love you show us through your writting. It's going to be an exciting experience- to read your orginal stories in our languege.
Congrats, good luck and take care :cmok:
"I know who you are. I can see you. You're swearing now that someday you'll destroy me. Far better women than you have sworn to do the same. Go look for them now." (Atia)

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Post by Galadriela » Thu Mar 03, 2005 11:45 am

Deidre if anyone deserves to succeed as a writer it is YOU. Despite the fact that I'm not a Dreamer, I found all of your stories touching and interesting. You have an amazing style. Your characters are so true, descriptions written in such a beautiful way.

Good Luck, I'm sure that soon I will find your books in our stores. I'm looking forward to this day.

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Post by Renya » Thu Mar 03, 2005 9:52 pm

I'm very glad that the publisher have appreciated your work and that they will publish your novel. It would be good if it were also published in Poland. The characters that you created are fascinating and the whole story is told in an interesting way. Each chapter draws the reader in a misterious and fantastic world of dreams.

I wish you an inspiration and a lot of pleasure when writing other stories.
Good luck

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Post by Athaya » Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:03 pm

Cześć Didre
Ponieważ nie znam angielskiego na tyle dobrze by pisać w tym języku więc napiszę po polsku :D
Na wstępie chcę Cię pochwalić za tak wspaniałą twórczość i wszystkie twoje opowiadania bo czytałam je z prawdziwą przyjemnością!
Są takie inne od tych z którymi spotykałam się dotychczas. Skupiasz się na uczuciach bohaterów jednocześnie w to wszystko wplatając swoistą akcję 8) I to właśnie lubię. Bedę czytać następne opowiadania jeśli tylko coś znów skrobniesz. A najbardziej wyczekuję na moment kiedy zobaczę serię"Gravity" na półkach w polskich sklepach :twisted: Powodzenia!
Pozdrawiam ciepło. Athaya

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Post by Lissy » Wed Mar 09, 2005 11:58 am

Ja na razie zdążyłam przeczytać tylko Antarian Sky. Naprawdę podobało mi się to opowiadanie. Po prostu niesamowite! :wink: Myślę, że nie można porównać go do Harleqina (chociaż właściwie żadnego nie przeczytałam). Na pewno przeczytam resztę opowiadań. I książki też oczywiście :) (jak będą po polsku, bo po angielsku to za dużo nie zrozumiem. :) ).
Congratulation RosDeidre!!! :D

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